Name of the Association and Objects
Horringer Crafts Association is an un incorporated non-profit making Association of persons actively engaged in Arts and Crafts with the common aim of promotion and presentation of high standard of Craftsmanship and whose members trade on their own account.
To promote local arts and crafts
To demonstrate skills and sell crafts at local events
The Association is non-profit, but each member trades on their own account and only pays a membership fee to the association any money taken by the member is for them to keep.
Anyone who pays a fee for one event or more is considered a member for that year. A list of Members will be kept in the members list book.
Membership of the association shall consist of three categories namely:
1, Craft Member
a person who has attended an event as a stall holder.
2, Associate Member Who Shall be persons interested in promoting the aims of the Association, who apply for associate membership and who are willing to undertake duties in connection with the running of the Association.
3, Ordinary Member
Who shall be persons interested in attending and exhibiting, but who do not wish to undertake any duties with the Association.
Fees will be reviewed yearly to make sure that all costs are met, and the association is not holding more than is needed. Approx. one years running costs. Surplus funds will be donated to Charity.
Ceasing to be a Member
Member may resign at any time in writing to the chair person, this can be email or letter.
Any Member not booking
any dates in one year will be considered resigned unless the Member has asked to stay on the mailing list for the following year.
Membership begins as soon as payment has been accepted or application for Associate membership has been made.
Any offensive behaviour, including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks will not be permitted. Anyone behaving in an offensive way or breaking the equal opportunities policy may be asked not to attend further meetings or to resign from the group if an apology is not given or the behaviour is repeated. The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Association, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.
Equal Opportunities
Horringer Crafts will not discriminate on grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, martial status or age. Horringer Crafts value all customers and crafters.
Office and committee
The Business of the group will be carried out by a Volunteer or Volunteers. At the first event of the year all those attending will have the opportunity to volunteer to represent the group if more than one person comes forward there will be a vote.
There will also be the opportunity for a Treasurer and Secretary if enough member are willing to represent the Association.
As Horringer Crafts Association is a small group it is possible for one person to represent the group, if need be.
With the new technology available it is possible to have a virtual meeting via email or messaging services. An AGM will be held annually, and every member will be encouraged to take part.
This will decide the direction of the association and plan dates for the following year. There will also be;
1, A Chairperson report which will be a summery of the year.
2, A Treasurer report which will be a summery of the finances and stall fees
3, The opportunity for members to ask questions and to give suggestions.
The Chairperson will make sure all members have had the opportunity to take part in the AGM.
Rules of procedure for meetings
All question that arise during or after any meeting will be discussed openly and the meeting will seek to find general agreement that everyone involved can agree to.
If consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken and a decision will be make by a simple majority of members. If the number of votes cast on each side is equal, the chair of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.
2 Accounts will me maintained on behalf of the Association at Lloyds Bank.
Horringer Crafts Association
Bus Bank Instant
The Accounts will be managed online by Treasurer/Chairperson
The Accounts will be available for viewing at all events, and one member will be asked to check and sign to say the accounts and other paperwork are correct.
Complaints can be made to the Chairperson in person or in written form.
A Notebook on the welcome table that is labelled complaints can be written in and a name and contact can be left or the person making the complaint can remain anonymous.
The complaint will be discussed with members (sensitive information will not be shared) once discussed the Chairperson will try to contact the person who make the complaint, if the person chooses to be anonymous then an answer will be placed in the book and advice on what to do if they are still not happy with the outcome.
If the person making the complaint is still not happy the Chairperson will need to hand the complaint over to another member to try to resolve.
Amendments to the constitution
If Amendments to the constitution are requested or suggest by members. A special General Meeting will be held.
Any proposal to amend the constitution will require a two thirds majority of those entitled to vote.
If a meeting, by simple majority, decides that is necessary to close down the group it may call a special General Meeting to do so. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve the group.
If agreed to dissolve the Association, all remaining money and other assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to a local Charitable organisation. The organisation will agree at the meeting which agrees the dissolution.
Data Protection
Horringer Crafts Association will only collect information that it needs, at the end of the year all booking form will be destroyed. (After the last event of the year)
At the beginning of the next year all members will be emailed and given the new dates for the year and asked if they would like to remain on the mailing list about future events. The list will then be altered accordingly to each member wishes. As stated in Ceasing to be a Member members not booking for the next year and not asking to stay on the mailing list will be considered resigned.
The constitution was agreed and adopted on the 4/11/2018